Just another snake game
This is not your regular snake experience. Be very cautious... nothing is what you expect it to be.
A, W, D, S to move your snake
J, K, L for abilities (once gained)
This game was made for "AI and Games Jam 2021" jam. The game was developed with Unity, DOTween and SFXR 8Bit sound.
Note: I've put a checkpoint right before the boss fight because the game might be a little difficult otherwise
Music used: David Renda - 8 Bit Retro Funk
Just another snake game (download).zip 28 MB
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Cool game, I have noticed that when pressing keys fast the game does not register some inputs, not sure what causes that.
Love the music!
Thanks for playing! I'll need to look into that.
Noice! Perhaps some feedback a sec before the food changes and being told the controls are wasd in-game would be nice, otherwise perfect! :D
Thats good feedback. Thank you for playing!